Sky (Rumänien)

Alter : 21 Jahre
Sprache Englisch (gut)
Haarfarbe Blond
Haarlänge Schulterlang (Glatt)
Körpergröße 1,61 m - 1,65 m
Statur Schlank
Tattoo/Tätowierung Nein
Piercing Nein
Brüste A-Cup
Silikon Nein
Augenfarbe Blau
Wiederholungsgefahr : Ja sicher!
Preis 150 Euro
Dauer 60 Minuten
Service :2X Sex mit Kondom, Blasen mit Kondom, Zungenküsse, Küssen, GirlFriendExperience (GFE), PornSexExperience (PSE), Fingern, AfterSexTalk, PreSalesTalk.
Zusatzinfo Hat voher in Saarbrücken gearbeitet.
Es bedanken sich: BöserHai,Spider1hb,memphis,mu-tini,Fogao,Muschkin,Jack Sparrow,mar347,Höhlenschlumpf,Bingbong,Marc Aurel

schaust du hier....
Es bedanken sich: mechelen
Wieder Sky. Warum? Sie sieht normal aus, kein Piercing, kein Tatoo. Meistens sitzt sie an der Bar, relaxed. Und sie raucht nicht, ein weiterer Pluspunkt.

Wir hatten uns für eine Stunde Spaß verabredet, Massage inclusiv. 

Und es gab viel viel viel Zungenküsse.  Herz Auch blasen war sehr angenehm und ficken, ja das war super.
Beim Doggy nam sie intensiv teil und es dauerte nicht lange bis ich kam... Rot werd

Danach eine schöne Massage, mit viel Blabla.

Und danach Runde 2 : wieder ZK, blasen mit euhm Fingerspielen und ficken, sie auf mich und ich auf sie... und ich habe ein zweites Tor geschossen.

Preis : 150 Euro, jeden Cent wert. Winke
Es bedanken sich: Spider1hb,memphis,mu-tini,wolle,sarut,Cyper,Spitz81,Muschkin,Stuart,Limbo4u,Brustmolch,Marc Aurel,RömischerKaiserI
Last week on Tuesday, during what one might describe as a quiet night for the girls (about a 3:1 M/F ratio, meaning lots of girls, but too few men, and from those men, not too many doing rooms at all), I was sitting on the back Rondell contemplating the LU and what (if any) moves I might towards a ZG. As Tuesdays at Sharks is so-called “Dessous Day” or “Costume Night”, from my seating position my eyes fell on a fairly attractive petite but curvy girl with dark blond hair I had never noticed before, who was wearing a very intriguing costume that exposed one very nicely rounded left buttock, while the right buttock was half exposed through a kind of black fishnet thing. Altogether a very inviting sight.

She was standing at the bar directly opposite me and at one point she turned around and caught me looking at her. With a nice smile, she approached and sat down next to me introducing herself as Sky. This rang a bell in my head as I remembered her unique name being mentioned here and there in recent reports and LU lists in this forum. During this initial acquisition encounter (which started in German, but quickly changed to her preferred English, which she spoke fairly well), she gave off very positive vibes:

She started leaning into me as we spoke, occasionally rested her head against my forehead looking directly into my eyes and reacting well to my short “test caresses” as I lightly touched her back, shoulders and neck at appropriate points during our 10-minute conversation on the Rondell. My experience at reading/assessing body language plus a good general instinct told me this Sky girl might present a true stairway to heaven in Zimmer. At least all the signs and the vibes she was putting out pointed in that direction…

Of course, the other very important determining factor would be her pricing structure. This is an essential criterion for me when I am making a decision about whether or not to do a ZG with a girl, because I am “150/60 man” (the often-quoted 200/60 is too high a price for me!). With Sky, I decided to employ a new tactical strategy: Instead of simply asking directly what her price for a 1-hour ZG would be, I told her this:

“My dear Sky, my little head says to go immediately up the stairs with you for a 1-hour Zimmer, however, my big head is afraid you will want 200 euros for the hour, which of course is your absolute right to quote –out of respect for you and all girls here, I will never tell any girl the price she quotes is too expensive or ridiculous. But, you see, I go to the room with several other girls here at Sharks on a regular basis for 150/60… so it’s up to you…but I tell you this, I can live without licking you or fingering. We can remove those things from the programme. I want you to know, I am a big fan of long slow blowjobs and other things that are normally included, like ZK, sex in different positions, etc. So what do you say, darling: Let’s just do the things that fall inside your “comfort zone”…. How many euros do you want for one hour with me?” She thought for a few seconds and then she smiled leaned back into me and said “You are right, I do normally take 200/60…But it’s a quiet night and you are such a nice and respectful gentleman. I like you…so, OK, let’s go for 150/60.” I smiled back and just said: “Haide!” (Let’s go!)

In Zimmer: Really, really great time with Sky. She offered a surprisingly good level of closeness that included everything I wanted, even sensual ZK, perhaps not extensive (e.g. like Susan), but also not too restrictive. Just right. Her blowjob was great: Long, slow, varied and as we got more comfortable with each other she played along with all my wishes in terms of positions, pace and she was certainly not a clock watcher. No artificial lubrication at all.

Summary: Sky is a really good looking, but more important she is a very sweet and warm girl who tries to please. I can only echo previous positive reports about this girl and I wouldn’t hesitate to repeat with her.
Es bedanken sich: Spider1hb,FKKguest,mechelen,memphis,Spitz81,ch12345,Höhlenschlumpf
Sky bietet tollen nahen Service! Zärtlich, bläst gut, reiten das von ihr kommt ist ein Traum. Dauerhaft, sie zieht wenn sie oben ist voll durch und hört auch einfach nicht auf! Blowjob genau richtig. Tief, Druck, alles passend! Hat richtig Ausdauer und Kraft mit dem Mund, die bezaubernde junge Frau. Seid lieb zu ihr, sie ist ein sensitiver Charakter war mein Eindruck. Sie macht nahen, zärtlichen, gefühlvollen Seevice. Wenn ich nicht so fit war (2 besuche bisher) hat sie einfach ohne das ich was sagen musste mehr „gearbeitet“, die ganze Stunde durch.. eine Kleinigkeit störte mich.. eine Stunde in der sie aber auch alles gibt, ist bei ihr eine Stunde. Muss und kann man akzeptieren. Wiederholung 100!
Es bedanken sich: Stuart,memphis,mechelen,streuner-strolch,Seichner86,Spitz81,Marc Aurel
(11.03.2024, 11:37)steff schrieb: eine Kleinigkeit störte mich.. eine Stunde in der sie aber auch alles gibt, ist bei ihr eine Stunde. Muss und kann man akzeptieren. 

Verstehe ich nicht. Du kritisierst, dass sie nach einer Stunde sagt, dass die Zeit rum ist?

Reich doch bitte noch Dauer und Preis nach. Gab es ZK?
Es bedanken sich: memphis,steff
ZK sind 9/10. für mein Empfinden, Schulnote 2 plus. Bin da aber sehr anspruchsvoll. Das muss halt passen, auch ein Thema wie Menschen das eben mögen, in Art und Weise.

Sie nimmt 200/ Stunde. Mit der Zeit meine ich das ich ein mal nicht fertig wurde und ihre Alternative war das ich für 15 min 50 dazu zahle.
Das ist zu respektieren. Ich habe im Sharks speziell stammis zu denen ich gehe, denen sogar 15 oder 20 Minuten egal sind weil sie wissen das ich öfters mal 200 bringe.

Aber- Sky macht, das muss man auch respektieren, die 60 Minuten von Anfang bis Ende 110 % Service. Ich gehe garantiert wieder zu ihr. Halt eher als erstes Zimmer. Dann bin ich auch locker in ner Stunde fertig Smile
Es bedanken sich: memphis,mar347,Seichner86,mechelen,Spitz81,mark38,Marc Aurel
In recent weeks, even on the so-called non-prime time or “Quieter Days”, I personally have found the LUs at Sharks to be above-average, sometimes well above-average. On certain nights, there were well over 90+ girls, but it wasn't just the sheer numbers that impressed, but certain individual girls were quite attractive. And beyond that, there was such a mix of different types: long-time girls who are there almost every time I've visited (it seems), so-called “Star Girls” who come to Sharks for a week or two and then disappear for a while, and, of course, a huge cadre of new girls. My point: There has been a very good selection of girls over the past few weeks….so many options to choose from.
Perhaps I am guilty of being a complete fool. Why? Because I visited Sharks several times over the past few weeks. I was in Sharks night after night with this impressive LU and great options for new room-mates available…But despite all these other possibilities to explore great bodies and enjoy potential sexual bliss, in the end I decided to spend 90% of my room time with just one individual girl: Sky .
On the other hand, perhaps I am not a complete fool at all? Why? Because in the recent past –say, over the past few months, many of the new girls I tried at Sharks, no matter how good looking or stunning they were, would fall short of my expectations for service and level of closeness inside the room. In many (but not all) cases of trying new girls recently at Sharks, I left the room NOT completely satisfied. The reality is: When you try a new girl now it is like playing roulette, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose… but it seemed I was losing more than winning. However, when I went to the room with “Stamm-girls” (regular girls with whom I already had established long-time relationships and prior experiences with very good to excellent service) I was always leaving the room with a positive winning feeling.
If you scroll up a few posts, you can read about my initial room with Sky a few months ago. Since that first experience with Sky, I have repeated with her several times. Each time has been better and better, an ever-increasing level of closeness and top-notch service: ZK, Blow, any position I wanted, for as long as I wanted, positions I didn't ever think or know was like climbing a mountain and each time reaching the summit with exaltation flowing through my body. Over time and a few good hours in the room, this girl started to know and anticipate what I needed sexually even better than I knew myself. Sometimes I was “gobsmacked” by this enchanting 22-year old petite Romanian woman. She got into my mind and soul… And she is the embodiment of Sweetness when it comes to personality. Yes, her English is very good. Limited German. However, language became secondary, because most of the time the deep communication between us was non-verbal, it didn't involve speech.
 All of this is a combination of physicality and psychology and a lot of personal flow and chemistry. This is not a one size fits all situation. Sky may not work for every man, but for me and probably other respectful, clean and well-behaved empathetic blokes, Sky is a rare, rare gem…a true treasure. Thus, despite all the great selection around me, I turned my back on trying new girls and mainly just stuck to what I knew was a sure win: a human sexual jackpot named Sky. I mean: “If it works, don't fix it!” Right?
Some Specs:
--Sky is a 100/30, 200/60 girl. That said, if you become a steady regular like me and the personal chemistry exists, one can work around that for more friendly pricing. (Again, scroll above to my earlier report to read about price alternatives…)
--Sky is usually found at her seat at the bar: as you enter club, back left corner opposite the way to the old cinema/toilets and just in front of the back Rondell.
--She is currently on a brief holiday but should be back in a week or two…
Would I repeat? I have already done this many, many times.
Es bedanken sich: Stuart,Genesis_,Jack Sparrow,bigHengst,Seichner86,Art_Vandalay,Spider1hb,Gere6,mechelen,larkovich,Sveto,clubficker,Spitz81,mark38,Marc Aurel
Bei mir hat Sie 150/30 mit ZK aufgerufen. Da ich für ZK nicht extra zahle habe ich abgelehnt.
Es bedanken sich: Gere6,Muschkin,ffmjuergen,Spitz81,Figaro
Sunday 14 July

Today Skye has returned to the Sharks LU. She says she will stay 2-3 weeks.
Es bedanken sich: BöserHai,mechelen
Ist wohl mit den Preis wieder runter gegangen, habe auch keine Preis Diskussion durchgeführt :-).
Habe wie immer für alles 100 Euro bezahlt für 30min.
Vielleicht sollten wir bei den Freundinnen Renate, Cataleya, usw. ohne Preis Diskussion auf Zimmer gehen.
Also Sky hatte vielleicht mit mir Gestern nur 4-5 Kunden.
Es bedanken sich: mechelen,memphis,mar347
Gab es ZK?
(21.07.2024, 11:54)memphis schrieb: Gab es ZK?

GV,ZK und F* (Sternchen kann sich jeder bitte selber Gedanken machen)
Es bedanken sich: memphis,mar347