Sydney (Macedonia)
Hello, I have been a long time lurker and appreciate each individual of your post. I noticed there is no post of new girl Sydney, so I would like to start one.

She is from Macedonia, and has joined sharks 2-3 months. The first time I saw her is roughly 2 months ago, and I have been with her several ( more than 4 rooms) now. 

She is 23 years old, around 1.6m, not skinny type of slim, but not fat either. She has some tattoos, blonde hair. She is a definitely a natural model kind of girl. She got very perky round b cup breast, small firm ass. Perfect English among the girls. Thighs are quite thick which I kind of liked. She got great eyelash make up and good smells. she is very friendly to talk to in the lobby and has never behaved like “ do you want go to the room” kind of girl. She really takes the time to make you comfortable. 

In the room, frech Kiss with lots of tongue interaction and eye contact. Not a clock watcher and no upselling. Light fingering, kissing, 69, bj, multiple position ( more than 3) is allowed.she can take hard pounding, and give you an experience of with your gf, not the kind of gfe with mechanical movements and fake moans. She is as tight as Lola, but more wet down there. 100 euro for 30mins, with all the talking downstairs I think it’s around 45min in total. Your mileage may vary. She usually sit at the bar near the exit close to the cafeteria. She is usually in here Monday, Wednesday, Friday as well as weekend
Es bedanken sich: mojito34,Seichner86,FKKguest,Spitz81,aikega3,Bronco,Art_Vandalay,MrMoney777,larkovich,Gambler69,cumshot78
Vor ein paar Wochen gab es ein Zimmergang mit der hübschen Sydney

Hat Ihren Stammplatz wie oben schon  beschrieben nähe Deutsches Eck direkt am Service Eingang/Durchgang zur Bar

Läuft wenig und wirkt auch etwas isoliert. Akquriert guasi nicht

Bildhübsches Gesicht, perfekt geschminkt. Wirkt sehr gepflegt.
Auskunftsgemäss aus Mazedonien

Alter Anfang/Mitte 20, etwas über 160cm. Blonde lange sehr gepflegte Haare. Guter Body nicht skinny aber schlank  in KF36. Schöner Naturbusen in vollem A-Cup. Schöner Po. Schöne Haut dezent gebräunt. Ein paar Tattoos aber eher  unauffällig. 
Wirkt top gepfegt und gebildet, eher wie jemand den man auf ein Business Dinner mitnehmen könnte ohne unangenehm aufzufallen

Sehr gutes english, wirkt insgesamt  GND und so gar nicht "nuttig"

Ich spreche Sie aktiv an. Sie wirkt ruhig sachlich. Sehr nett und ohne Druck aufs Zimmer.

Bietet 100/30 inkl ZK an

Auf dem Zimmer gibts leichte ZKs. Blow-Job recht brauchbar. 69 lecker. Säfte fliesen, Sie bleibt aber professionel

Kann Sie Anfangs zw den Beinen bespielen. Beim Blow dann aber so positioniert das weiteres Bespielen nicht möglich ist.

Ficken in 3 Positionen. Missio mit Augenkontakt und seichten ZK, aber spüre auch, dass Ihr diese extreme Nähe dann zu viel wird

Fazit: Tue mir schwer. Bin positiv, aber nicht ganz so positiv wie der Vorschreiber. Technisch alles gut soweit, seichte brauchbare ZK. Gewährt phasenweise Nähe, wechselt dann aber wieder zügig zurück ins professioneöle.

Da mich die Optik sehr anspricht und der Service insgesamt gut durchschnittlich war würde ich das aber als Gesamtpaketgesehen mal wiederholen wollen
Es bedanken sich: MrMoney777,BöserHai,wolle,Genesis_,Stuart,MilknCoke,clubficker,mu-tini,Spider1hb,Seichner86,mar347,Spitz81,nieimleben123456,LustHeiko,memphis,YunF123,Investor,Dude,RömischerKaiserI,Bronco,Gambler69,Sveto,cumshot78
A few months ago, I think in February or March, I had a single 1-hour ZG with this petite blonde-haired girl Sydney. Given the recent post just above, which may trigger renewed interest in this girl, I thought it might be beneficial to the community of Sharks-visitors here to describe my experiences with Sydney during that single encounter.

Before I get into the specifics, please allow me to state unconditionally that whatever my own individual experiences with Sydney described below, this does not necessarily mean that others will have the same experience with her. We all know that one man’s paradise is another man’s poison, meaning one guy might have a totally positive or negative experience with a girl at Sharks, whilst another guy might experience the exact opposite. For some (but not all!) guys, much depends on personal chemistry between you and the girl to reach the level of an above average ZG. I know, of course, this does not apply to all because some guys just want to choose a girl based only on physical/optical characteristics and don’t give much value to any vibes of closeness or any illusion or psychological aspects, which might be important to others (e.g. like me).

Sydney’s location and Modus Operandi: I first noticed this (imo) very attractive, blonde-haired petite girl sometime late last year or in perhaps January of this year. At that time, she was brand new to Sharks, and her original seat location inside the club was near the Melissa/Amanda couch but a bit beyond that kind of where Nora often sits. She then changed her main location to the bar, sometimes at the front head of the bar and then right next to the gap in the bar where one can queue for drinks in front of the “German Corner”. At first sight, I was quite attracted to her based on her looks, but I noticed a kind of aloof vibe coming from her. She is certainly what we call a “Lone Wolf” type girl, meaning she mainly hangs out alone and does not belong to any kind of “clique” of girls or even has any single girl that she normally sits/keeps company with. For me, that can be a positive thing btw…However, now that I went to the room with her once, I would say, my initial “read” on her as being aloof, is not entirely correct: I eventually learned that she is just very shy and/or introverted, meaning that she more or less has a Zero Acquisition Game, but just sits at her bar seat or occasionally wanders around the bar or stands by the rear club pillar (between the back gaming table and the bar) waiting for guys to approach her. She very rarely, if ever, approaches a man by herself to initiate contact/conversation. That said, once a man makes a move to start a conversation, she usually becomes quite friendly in conversation, which either leads to a ZG or not…Additionally, I observed that whilst she did do rooms sometimes, I never saw guys lining up to go with her and I often saw her sitting or wandering around unbooked for long periods. Given her above average optics (very pretty face, and above average body imo), I found this slightly surprising. Yes, this can sometimes signal a girl with great looks but bad service, but not always…So I convinced myself one night that the only way to know is to try her out for a first-hand view.

My ZG with Sydney: I went to get a drink in front of the “German Corner” and I noticed Sydney sitting alone and looking pensive, staring off into space…but then she turned her eyes towards me as I waited for the drink to come (first time I was happy the drinks service was so characteristically slow!) and she smiled at me. A conversation between us followed organically. True to form, she seemed quiet, reserved, soft-spoken but not in a negative way, just a totally non-aggressive manner which is so often lacking in Sharks amongst too many girls. Even though, I could not entirely shake off the “aloofness” vibe I had from long-distance observation, during the conversation she did seem slightly sweet if not overly so. But I liked her look, I was feeling a bit too “Geil” so I was willing to gamble with an “A-sample” with her…But, I thought, “Let’s see what she quotes for pricing”… if she gives me this 150/30 or 200/60 bullshit, I’ll gracefully walk away. But if, on the other hand, “The Price is Right”, then up the stairs we shall go…And because at first asking she with no hesitation quoted 100/30, 150/60, we went upstairs…But still, my inner radar was detecting a blanket of slight coldness over her, as if she wanted to maintain some kind of personal distance between us. However, as I climbed the stairs I hoped and felt determined to turn this around into a more close and positive vibe inside the room.

Unfortunately, despite all my best efforts, I could not break through her ice. I really wanted to do a 1-hour room with her, but she just would not offer any level of closeness or illusion that she really liked you as a person and would respond like a girlfriend to good faith touching and intimate conversation. Once again, and with all respect to others that might have had a different experience with her, Sydney just would not let me past her curtain of personal distance. There was such a low level of closeness and I tried everything to improve this. To her credit, she did respond well and was cooperative with my requests for positions, but she didn’t smile a lot. Personally, I found her blowjob skills mediocre.  It all seemed too mechanical for me…Maybe I just have too high expectations? No, I don’t think so, because I am no Newbie here and in my personal history at Sharks and other clubs I have been able to “break the ice” and achieve at least reasonable results in the room. But not this time, not with Sydney…Again, I say, this was unfortunate for me, because I really hoped she would be different inside the room and that this would be the first of many rooms with this (imo) beauty.

As we approached the 25-minute mark, I knew for another 50 I could extend to 1 hour…but I had no “lust” to do so…Therefore, I aborted the ZG and went downstairs with her to give 100/30.

That was my experience: A dud room for me. But, although there seem to be mixed reports about her, maybe some other guys achieved a better ZG with her than I did. This is quite possible based on the personal chemistry factor. But if you ask me: I would say you are not missing much if you don’t go to the room with her.
Es bedanken sich: Spider1hb,Seichner86,sarut,Bingbong,Sveto
Are Sydney and Sophia different people or is it the same person using different names? Both are described as being from Macedonia, sitting at the bar, having a pretty face, a distant personality, and are 23 years old.
I think she is the same person, I will be check and I give my feedback.
Es bedanken sich: Bingbong
(10.08.2024, 10:01)sarut schrieb: Vor ein paar Wochen gab es ein Zimmergang mit der hübschen Sydney

Hat Ihren Stammplatz wie oben schon  beschrieben nähe Deutsches Eck direkt am Service Eingang/Durchgang zur Bar

Läuft wenig und wirkt auch etwas isoliert. Akquriert guasi nicht

Bildhübsches Gesicht, perfekt geschminkt. Wirkt sehr gepflegt.
Auskunftsgemäss aus Mazedonien

da sitzt die 100% Sophia/MKD
Blond, Blauenaugen schöngeschminkt, oft macht sie Rundgang mit Alina1 GR.
Es bedanken sich: Seichner86,sarut,Bingbong,Brustmolch
Had her twice last week, both are 30mins for 100euros

Tons of kisses, but no French kiss this time nor finger is allowed. Still great 2 sessions, with a cute personality. No rush, not a clock watcher.

For identifying her: she got the 4 tattoos at her inner left forarm. DO NOT POST TATTOO DETAILS HERE. REPEAT POSTS WILL RESUT IN A BAN. STUART

She got tons of water during the penetration, like you can literally hear it “glock” “glock” “glock”. If you like squirt kind of stuff, she is the one!!

Definitely recommend to have her in missionary to look at her facial expression while penetrating her. 2nd recommendation is to do her in cow girl with kisses, you would be like in the heaven..

Another Sophie/ Sophia I knew is taller, bigger, and with much long neck like a giraffe… this girl is more tanned, you can see her tan line in her chest very clear. She also changed her hair color to white/ grey blonde instead of dirty blonde she used to have.

Again your mileage may vary, she is pretty much there every day except a maybe in Tuesday/ Thursday.
Es bedanken sich: Spider1hb,Seichner86,Spitz81,Bingbong,sarut