And the winner is: Oase!
Stuart schrieb:Lange Rastas? Sehr hohe High-Heels? Ansonsten vielleicht noch Emanuelle (auffällig geschminkt) oder Cindy.

Es war Cindy - Bericht folgt Big Grin
"I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing." Prince Phillip

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
And the winner is: Oase! - von nibiru12th - 03.09.2007, 09:12
And the winner is: Oase! - von Stuart - 03.09.2007, 09:21
And the winner is: Oase! - von nibiru12th - 03.09.2007, 09:52
And the winner is: Oase! - von schlong - 03.09.2007, 12:09
And the winner is: Oase! - von Stuart - 03.09.2007, 12:53
And the winner is: Oase! - von sloopy - 03.09.2007, 13:34
And the winner is: Oase! - von nibiru12th - 03.09.2007, 16:46
And the winner is: Oase! - von Stuart - 03.09.2007, 19:15
And the winner is: Oase! - von nibiru12th - 04.09.2007, 05:10
And the winner is: Oase! - von Cyper - 04.09.2007, 06:02