Temporarily leaving Sharks during the day
Sorry to ask such a basic question but my next visit to Sharks will probably require me to leave during the afternoon for about an hour before returning.

I've never had to do this but I’m aware this can be done with free re admittance to the club.

However are you allowed to retain your locker key or do I have to fully empty it and upon return receive another locker ?
AFAIK you got to empty your locker. Maybe they will store your suitcase or bag in the room behind the reception.
I do that a lot. You just have to empty your locker, return all items and pay all outstanding bills. Then you have to let reception know that you want to come back and you have to remember your locker number. When you return, you tell them the locker number and you get the same locker, but you can't leave anything in it.
Es bedanken sich: Seichner86,Wavez,Siriwan64
The only time I did it I told reception I was leaving but on returning they had reallocated my locker to someone else and I got a new one (the same thing happened to the person in front of me) so definitely empty the locker.
What if you only have to pick up sth out of your car?
Freier Eintritt ins Sharks! Ich zahl dir 69 € bei Mitnahme aus Stgt-HN. Auch andere Clubs möglich zb CH/NRW. Bei Interesse PN!
(14.05.2024, 20:55)homelander schrieb: What if you only have to pick up sth out of your car?

If you are famous like me, just tell the woman at the rezeption, "Iam back in five minutes, only to the car"
Put the towel from your hips, ..over your shoulders, go out and enter your car.
Come back through the main entrance.
Put the towel over your hips again and say to the rezeptionwoman "Hi Iam back again"

She is rolling her eyes...now you are famous.

Jack,... Megalach Megalach
My Big Bang Theory:
respect her, make her laugh, fuck her good, pay her better !!!
Es bedanken sich: Cyper,morten,Gerard,pfl.,Seichner86
If you just go to the parking lot wearing your bathrobe, I guess no one will stop you nor anyone must be made aware of this...
Es bedanken sich: Jack Sparrow
You go out to the parking lot with your bathrobe or towel on, unlock the car, grab your "something" and come back into the club again.  Dodgy

Mach ich öfter, dass ich z.b. zum ungestörten Telefonieren mal im Bademantel an der Rezi vorbei auf den Parkplatz nach draußen gehe. Wen soll das stören?
Es bedanken sich: Seichner86,Brustmolch,Jack Sparrow,Sveto
Das stört überhaupt niemanden mache ich auch öfter

Zum anderen Thema mal angezogen für ne Stunde raus wurde mir gesagt kannst die sachen im spiel lassen , also z.b. Rucksack oder Tasche
Schlüssel abgeben
Mit alle Sachen mitnehm2n kann ich nicht bestätigen
Vielleicht kommt es auch drauf an ob die einen kennen
Es bedanken sich: sexy90,Seichner86