Catalina, Sharks-Oase Blue Chip
Just a quick note here:

Yesterday, Friday 16.02.24 the LU was huge —no, humongous! But I can’t generate any kind of LU list because soon after entering the bar area I locked eyes with one of my all time favourites, newly returned from a few weeks holiday, none other than Catalina, a long time girl at Oase, who in my (subjective) opinion is one of the true stars and best service providers in Sharks (again my subjective opinion). She always captivates me not only with her great looks but also with her sweet and most honest demeanor. We spent many minutes talking on the couch she customarily occupies (just after the pole dance and opposite the TV screen). Because of our long club relationship, a history dating back some ten years ago at Oase (which Stuart very correctly commented in another thread used to be a really great club back then vs Oase 2024 ?), Catalina gives me one of the top so-called “gfe experiences” in Sharks, always seemingly endless blowjobs with great variety and erotic play., just like a true girlfriend. Last night she gave me a top-notch kind of “reunion sex” with a most sympathetic tarrif: 200/90 (1.5 hours). Like most girls at Sharks she probably doesn’t treat everyone with exactly the same level of service, so ZK I speculate will be given according to her sympathy, meaning “yes” for some, and perhaps “no” for others unless negotiation beforehand. For me Catalina is at the very top of the Sharks pyramid so I am most happy she is back in the Sharks LU. Note: She arrives at the club early and tends to leave by 19.30-20.00.
Es bedanken sich: Muschkin,Genesis_,sarut,Sveto,Shark16
Ich hab Dir mal einen eigenen Thread spendiert, das geht sonst im LU unter.
Kann jemand was zu ihrem Aussehen sagen?
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Es bedanken sich: soundstor
I mingled with this long-time Zimmer-Friend, Catalina, tonight for a long relaxed 2-hr ZG last night, Weds 27.03: As previously posted above she (for me) is one of the top act at Sharks in terms of high-bar service and attitude in Zimmer.,The real highlight tonight for me was one of the longest- slowest blowjobs —one might say an endless by that kept me on the edge for over 45 minutes with no complaints from her. Lot of attention to my balls throughout our ZG. This girl knows how to build up the sperm and keep you on the edge of popping …eventually into a massive orgasm with smiles and heart. A total winner for me. 300/120.
Es bedanken sich: memphis,soundstor,pavane,aikega3
If this is the Catalina I did in Oase from 2019, I can attest that she gives one of the best blow jobs. Unlike most girls who seem to be grossed out by cum, I remember her laughing and playing with the load I spewed over her.

I will look for her when I come back in May. Is the bar area her usual place? I thought she sometimes wore long blonde/white hair extensions attached to her darker blonde hair and a black bodice. Does this sound like her and is this still the case?
Es bedanken sich: soundstor
Catalina's name at Oase was Sabina. Moved to Sharks in 2019.

Sits on the sofa opposite the screen next to the SM room.
Es bedanken sich: aikega3,soundstor
Damn, different girl then. I had my hopes up of seeing an old favorite again. One thing I have learnt is not to go expecting to see a particular girl(s). Their schedules change so much you will be bound to be disappointed if you go expecting someone. Even if they told you they will be there the next day! ;-)
Es bedanken sich: soundstor
Ich kann nur noch einmal darauf hinweisen: Catalina bietet tatsächlich sehr guten Service zu vernünftigen Preisen. Da ich sie schon ein paar Tage kenne, kann ich natürlich nicht sagen, wie ihre Preisgestaltung bei neuen Kunden aussieht.
Es bedanken sich: soundstor,Marc1969,Baron von Geil,Pizza King
habe mir mal all die vielen posts über diese 'Catalina' (Sabina) hier angeschaut und bin etwas verwirrt:
Mir hat sich gestern eine 'CatElina'??? vorgestellt - war ein sehr nettes Gespräch mit einer hübschen Dame (ca. 168, KF 36, feste B-Tits, blonde, mittellange Haare).
Sie hatte als einzige so ein kurzes Fransen-Mini-Röckchen an (very sexy). Sitzt wohl meist hinten rechts kurz vor dem Spiegel-Zimmer.

Sieht sehr ähnlich aus wie SARAH CONNOR ( vor 10-12 Jahren). Sie sagte mir, daß ihr das schon oft gesagt wurde....

Ist das denn die hier hochgelobte 'CATALINA/Sabina'?
…der Fransenrock war weiß? Dann ist es die besagte Catalina.  
Aber Sarah Connor?! Naja…

Wie war das Zimmer mit ihr?
Es bedanken sich: chica1402
also sie sagte daß sie sehr oft auf 'Sarah' angesprochen wird...
war (noch) nicht auf dem Zimmer mit ihr, sonst hätte ich berichtet!

wird sicher demnächst passieren
Um das richtig zu betonen: Sarah fand ich nie attraktiv, Catalina hingegen schon!?
Ich sehe wenig Parallelen, aber wegen mir sehen sie sich ähnlich. 

Ich kann Catalina empfehlen. Aber es kommt halt etwas drauf an, was Du suchst…
Es bedanken sich: chica1402
"Ich kann AUCH Catalina empfehlen..." In fact, I already did highly recommend Catalina in two separate posts above....So now a small update:

I was most pleased to visit with Catalina recently at the end of August. I can confirm a few things:

1) She still looks great! Actually, she is a kilo or two less now from when I last saw her a couple of months ago. At the end of August, she was wearing her hair in a long pony tail and she was wearing glasses, which has been an on-and-off thing for about a year or so...

2) She is a bit unique (in my view) amongst many long-time girls in Sharks because she has maintained a high service level over all these years...unlike some other girls (we can all cite many examples), who started a few years with really hot service but now became lazy/arrogant and let the service level in the room slip down to below average levels. Catalina is still giving consistently great service at very acceptable pricing (I always pay her 150/60, but I am a long established Stammgast with her) over many years. Her oral skills, imo, are top shelf! She is definitely not jaded or arrogant in any way, but very much the opposite. To me, this consistincy in high service levels makes her a real Star at Sharks.

3) She still sits in her long-time seat on the couch opposite the TV screen just after the pole dance Rondell. Also her M.O. (Modus Operandi) is unchanged in that she habitually arrives around mid-day at the club and leaves by 19-20.00. According to her recent statements, she plans to work until the last week of September and then take a holiday for a week or two...
Es bedanken sich: Langerheiner,chica1402,Seichner86,Bronco,Spitz81
Hatte auch wieder mal ein Zimmer mit Catalea - sie ist eine sichere Bank. Habe 200 für 60 Minuten gezahlt mit einem Extra included.
Werde sie sicherlich auch ab und zu mal buchen - der Service ist wie schon beschrieben immer auf gleich hohem Level.
Leider haben einige andere Mädels mit denen ich schon öfter mal eine Runde gedreht habe im Service doch nachgelassen und werden somit mal eine Pause bei mir einlegen.
Carpe diem
Es bedanken sich: Spitz81,mar347,RömischerKaiserI
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Es bedanken sich: Brustmolch,Baron von Geil
Dieser Beitrag ist nur für angemeldete Benutzer verfügbar. Bitte melde Dich an oder Registrier Dich
Carpe diem
Es bedanken sich: chica1402