Oase am 30.01.09
Gestern war wieder die Oase angesagt,Doro war bei meinem Einlass auch da, sie begrüsste mich wie immer mit einem Lächeln und fragte wie es mir geht.
Leider kann nicht viel berichten für mich war nix dabei, bis auf ein nettes Gespräch mit Michele war nicht positives anzumerken, die Mädls kämpften mal wieder um die Gäste.
Die übliche Bestzung und ein paar mir nicht bekannte Gesichter.
Mir fiel auf das die kleine Aida mächtig an Pfunde zugelegt hat, sieht nicht mehr so frisch aus die Maus, machte mir fast schon einen kranken Eindruck.
Die Empfangsdamen waren wie fast immer unhöflich ( Doro war nicht mehr da ) kein Tschüss etc einfach das Band durchgeschnitten und nicht mal gefragt wie es war.Ich werde das beim nächsten Mal ansprechen.

Gruss Marki
Biste ungefickt raus? Wie war denn Dein Zeitfenster?

Stuart, Grübel
Stuart schrieb:Biste ungefickt raus? Wie war denn Dein Zeitfenster?

Stuart, Grübel

Eigentlich war mein Zeitfenster mit ca. 3 Stunden gross genug, bin halt zu wählerisch geworden ich hab so meine Vorstellungen von den Mädls, was halt nicht immer passt.
Das Spiel HSV-Bayern war für mich interessanter, die Mädls sind eh ständig vorbeigekommen
so hatte ich einen Überblick was so da war.
Marki schrieb:Die übliche Bestzung und ein paar mir nicht bekannte Gesichter.

Mir fiel auf das die kleine Aida mächtig an Pfunde zugelegt hat, sieht nicht mehr so frisch aus die Maus, machte mir fast schon einen kranken Eindruck.

Die Empfangsdamen waren wie fast immer unhöflich ( Doro war nicht mehr da ) kein Tschüss etc einfach das Band durchgeschnitten und nicht mal gefragt wie es war.Ich werde das beim nächsten Mal ansprechen.

Hi Marki,

Thanks for the recent report. Good to know that the usual girls are there and not too many new faces but then sometimes new faces are what the visit exciting. Just like when I saw last Saturday a new girl Lisa (Lebanon) start at Oase at 9:30pm in the evening. My notes on Lisa were:

Lisa (?) (Lebanon) NEW GIRL at Oase, 20 years with 19 years spent living in Germany, young looking face, average build, well tanned, bleached long blond hair, big brown eyes, big natural D or E cups, that is, humongous tits, that looked heavenly as she loped around Oase club. The Deustch table area girls were talking about her and nick named her “Big Tits” such was the selling point that Lisa’s assets had. The girls said it does not matter how good looking a girl is and what a body she has – if her service is no good then she will not get the business at Oase. My observation of Lisa in action in the kino is a smooth operator that delivers the goods. I have not seen her since her debut at Oase.

Has anyone else seen Lisa since last Saturday?

Oh yes, little mouse Aida has put on a lot of weight. We could see that back in November 2008 that with the onset of the cold weather she was enjoying her food to keep away the chill air of Germany. Aida to me is still cute but the flab does put me off booking her again until she does lose it. There are also so many choices in the Oase that I can leave Aida as a selection. Regardless, I do not say this to be mean but say this as a point that there are so many beautiful and slender women to choose from with good service and since it is you that is paying for the experience that yiu get to choose which lady that you book. Oder?

I am sad for you that the Receptionists were not as friendly as one would like. I think they acknowledge me but as I have no Deutsch we have very little to discuss.

Gruss Londonbasketcase
Londonbasketcase schrieb:Has anyone else seen Lisa since last Saturday?

No, haven't seen any girl matching that desciption when I was at Oase this week. What shift does she work?

Stuart, Grübel
Stuart schrieb:No, haven't seen any girl matching that desciption when I was at Oase this week. What shift does she work?

Stuart, Grübel

Hallo Stuart,

I only saw Lisa (Lebanon) on Saturday night, 24 Januar and she was new being shown around by the smaller long dark haired receptionist before she went to change from her blue jeans and big pink woollen jumper into a uniform of naked except for a black leather belt around her waist.

She was new and seemed to be popular with the locals being unique in the Oase. I only had a two chances to talk to her but did not book her for the zimmer as my sperma and euros were reserved for another German blond. I do like a German girl and have had many good sessions with Germans.

Lisa although born in the Lebanon came to Germany when she was 1 and has lived in Germany for the last 19 years ever since so is effectively German in outlook and lifestyle. She spoke adequate English and when asked if she would be staying working at Oase after that Saturday she said yes she was and that I could see her Sunday. I have not seen her since then so I was wondering whether that Saturday night job was just a one off or she was only going to work some nights on and off at Oase.

Regardless I may come across her again. I have 10 visits to FKK planned for Februar so maybe on one of those I will see Lisa again and book her for the zimmer. Then again since I saw her do some good action in the kino giving a man BBBJ to CIM I may even opt for that. Yay, so many choices and fantasies to fulfil in one's life.

I hope all is well.


Londonbasketcase schrieb:Lisa (?) (Lebanon) NEW GIRL at Oase, 20 years with 19 years spent living in Germany, young looking face, average build, well tanned, bleached long blond hair, big brown eyes, big natural D or E cups, that is, humongous tits, that looked heavenly as she loped around Oase club. The Deustch table area girls were talking about her and nick named her “Big Tits” such was the selling point that Lisa’s assets had. The girls said it does not matter how good looking a girl is and what a body she has – if her service is no good then she will not get the business at Oase. My observation of Lisa in action in the kino is a smooth operator that delivers the goods. I have not seen her since her debut at Oase.

Has anyone else seen Lisa since last Saturday?
yes, she's working as "elisa" in atlantik, hanau. as far as she told me since last monday, when i met her this weekend at this place. she's supposed to be the younger cousin of cecile, working at this place about one year. she also looks very similar to her. to me she claimed to be eighteen, even she looks more mature. the big natural is only little less than "d" cup, matching but compared to her dainty body shape. unfortunately her service is quite poor, unless she's got some experience during the passed days...
Londonbasketcase schrieb:Lisa (?) (Lebanon) NEW GIRL at Oase, 20 years with 19 years spent living in Germany, young looking face, average build, well tanned, bleached long blond hair, big brown eyes, big natural D or E cups, that is, humongous tits, that looked heavenly as she loped around Oase club.

i did not saw a girl like lisa on friday, if i see her on next time, i will leave you a message

regrads Marki
killroy schrieb:yes, she's working as "elisa" in atlantik, hanau. as far as she told me since last monday, when i met her this weekend at this place. she's supposed to be the younger cousin of cecile, working at this place about one year. she also looks very similar to her. to me she claimed to be eighteen, even she looks more mature. the big natural is only little less than "d" cup, matching but compared to her dainty body shape. unfortunately her service is quite poor, unless she's got some experience during the passed days...


That is the girl "Elisa". I think she said that but went with Lisa to be safe as my ear for German pronouciation is still at a beginner's stage.

To me she claimed she was 20 years. Maybe she wanted to make herself look older to me since I am so old and for younger guys she makes herself out to be younger to fit in to their tastes.

So Elisa is working in FKK Atlantik in Hanau. I have not been to this club but I know colleagues that have been there. It is a smaller club with less girls but the facilities look fantastic from the website pictures.

To me she had large breasts - maybe I am just used to smaller breasted ladies at Oase.

Thank you for your summation of Elisa's services. To me her services look adequate - she did the business from what I saw in the kino letting a man finish his pleasure in her mouth and then cleaning up. I will take your feedback in stock should I encounter her again. Danke schon.


Marki schrieb:i did not saw a girl like lisa on friday, if i see her on next time, i will leave you a message

regrads Marki


Thank you for replying and saying if you saw Elisa (Lebanon) or not. It seems like Elisa was just trying out Oase club to see what it was like on Saturday nacht.


@ lbc:

just watching a service might be a big difference from feeling a service!
killroy schrieb:@ lbc:

just watching a service might be a big difference from feeling a service!


You are not wrong and I understand what it is that you say. I prefer to be doing the deed as well than watching the deed but I cannot fuck the entire time I am in the club although some days I do try.

At Oase I know more girls than I have had the opportunity or the inclination to fuck. I do like to observe to make my pick for my next girl much shorter than the list I carry around when I make an assessment of which girls I like at any point in time in the club.


@ lbc:

agree with you for 100% to your statement. thank you.