23 Marz - Druckversion

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23 Marz - Freier Kerl - 02.04.2012

(02.04.2012, 21:19)Hesse74 schrieb: Dann steht ja einem Bericht nichts mehr im Wege Freier KerlWink

Ok, aber auf Deutch wird schwierig; so hier auf English Wink

Friday the 23th, I spent a day in Oase again. In case anyone has forgotten, it was a glorious friday with sunny whether and 20+ degrees centigrade. I was uncommonly early, so it was around noon that I was enjoying my breakfast and coffee, while catching some of the first sunrays of the year. Off course many more girls (30/40?) than men at this early hour and I immediately noticed a worrying trend: many, many blondes (from bottles). After a while I had narrowed the prospects down to the prettiest blondes - and I don't like blondes at all usually - there: Marie (ex Sunny in LR) and Elena (who used to have the prettiest black hair immaginable). Since Marie doesn't kiss, it was going to be Elena.

Over the last few visits I had already let her know (more than once) how dissapointed I was with her new hairstyle, so when she 'caught' me she proudly produced a black lock of hair from under the blonde facade. I had already resigned to the fact that I was going to settle for blonde this morning, so off we were to the kino. It is funny how much this girl had changed since our last Zimmer. Back in August she was pretty new - sometimes a bit moody - and didn't really know what to do, but provided pretty full service. This time around she clearly knew what she was doing and is all smiles all the time... but french kissing has been scratched of the menu. All in all a decent encounter, with a good blow job, nice sex and some reasonable - tongueless - kissing. Not really what I've come to expect in Oase though.

I spent some more time in the garden with a colleague that had shown up. The garden has lost some of its allure with the trees being replaced by a big crane and shameless constructionworkers (because of the extension that is being built, you don't notice it indoors btw); some of these guys just gawked for half an hour while Amelia was taking care of a client on a tanningbed. Oase wouldn't be Oase without sex taking place in public.

For the next round I was assaulted by Clarice, who I've been with in World a few times and who rarely lets me be in a club without taking her to a room. The session with this 19 year old was good (good kissing, fingering no problem) but she has lost a bit of that naive spontaneity that made it so much fun the last 3/4 times. I probably would still recommend her, but for me it is difficult not to compare with those previous times where she seemed to be more into it than I was.

Seeing the 'feeding buckets' was enough to make us place an order with the Italian place nearby, very nice. For the third round I just said yes to one of the girls trying to get you to come with them. I honestly don't know why I said yes to Cynthia (previously Mainhattan) and declined the offers from others (like Amira and Anda); I didn't even particularly like this girl. It wasn't particularly good either, mostly because she seemed somewhat 'absent' during the whole thing. Kissing was ok at first, but once tongues came into play it was just a whole lot of flickering. In the end, sex in the spoons worked reasonably well; mostly because there was some eye contact and smiling through the mirrors (none of that during the other positions). Still don't know why I went with her and probably won't go with her again.

After hanging out a bit more in the promiscuity that is the bar and kino (many a full program took place here), I was approached by a somewhat intimidating girl. Many piercings and tattoos; but also kind of pretty. In a fashion similar to my third 'Zimmer', I found myself following Delia to the kino (leaving my companion shaking his head). After some very aggresive - but also very good - kisses, we went on the hunt for a room. There were short waiting times everywhere, so I was ordered to get a Bademantel from the reception and we took to the garden (after midnight in March; it wasn't that bad). I had to carry her to a bed (beneath the stars) because of the high heels/grass combination and made sure she knew that a good session was needed if she expected to be carried backBig Grin. The session was a bit of a PSE rollercoaster; not really my thing, but a lot of fun and the slower ending with some great kissing made for one very content icebear. She kissed me again while I was carrying her back, which made me stumble over my slippers and we almost crashed. Great final session.

After this I was done. I must say I've had more succesful Oase visits and I have the feeling the great service levels aren't as selfevident as they used to be; also given the amount of girls I was 'warned' about by more knowledgable visitors. Although there were also a whole host of 'proven' girls that I could (and maybe should) have booked, but didn't: Adina, Amelia, Andrea, etc... I'll be back soon enough to see if this was just a blib.

RE: 23 Marz - Stuart - 02.04.2012

Cynthia - hatte eine mittelprächtige Nummer mit ihr, nicht wirklich schlecht.

Delia aka Micky, Ex-Feigenblatt?

Stuart, lecker Mädel

RE: 23 Marz - Freier Kerl - 02.04.2012

(02.04.2012, 22:32)Stuart schrieb: Cynthia - hatte eine mittelprächtige Nummer mit ihr, nicht wirklich schlecht.

Delia aka Micky, Ex-Feigenblatt?

Stuart, lecker Mädel

Cynthia war nicht schlecht, aber auch nicht richtig gut (fand ich). Ich glaube das es Delia aus Sharks (dort Isabel?) war... das hat ein Kolege hier im 'Oase line-up' topic ebenfalls gesagt. Kurze schwarze haaren und schon 6 jahre ins geschaft.

RE: 23 Marz - GSDB21 - 03.04.2012

Hallo Freier Kerl,

Danke fuer deinen informativen Bericht vom Wochenende, hoffe deutsche Antwort ist okay!

Elena baggerte mich Donnerstag und Samstag heftigst an, auf ne Absage reagierte sie cool, Delia (eh.Isabell/Sharks) ist echt wie ne Maschine unterwegs hab sie auf hunderten von verschiedenen Schößen erblickt, das heisst bei ihr Dauerakquise und Erfolg scheint sie auch zu haben, wer es zwischendurch pornoes haben will, ist bei ihr gut aufgehoben, sie ist uebrigens die beste Stangentaenzerin sagt man. Tanzen habe ich sie aber noch nicht gesehen...