Oase 01.02. - Druckversion

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Oase 01.02. - newbie - 02.02.2009

Oase 01.02
Cross Posting Roemerforum

Kurzbericht von meiner heutigen OASE:
(oder sollte man's "littlle Italy" nennen?[Bild: biggrin.gif])

Eingelaufen so gegen 16 Uhr, Parkplatz sehr übersichtlich und auch innen
war es auch für einen Sonntag aussergewöhnlich dürftig besucht.
Sollte sich aber sehr schnell ändern dank Messe in Frankfurt, bereits gegen
18Uhr wars gut gefüllt und im weiteren Laufe des Abends war es eher Samstag like mit teilweise Wartezeiten auf freie PoppStätten. Gängigste Dreibeinersprache war italienisch!

Line up nahezu kpl. angetreten, waren es 40, 50 oder nochmehr CDL's -??[Bild: conf.gif]
Respekt [Bild: rolleyes.gif]vor den Kollegen die in der Lage sind dies überblicken und auch noch Namenslisten abliefern können. Kann höchstens beitragen welche Stamm Gretels nicht da waren : Victoria (PL), Sunny(D); Yasmina (Ser) , Edda[Bild: frown.gif] und..??

Kontakt-Sport hatte ich auch, zunächst mit der hier allseits bereits beschriebenen Michelle (CH)[Bild: angel.gif], arbeitet zwar wie am Fließband, schafft es aber dennoch immer wieder eine engagierte Leistung mit guten Illusionsfaktor abzuliefern (immer wieder gerne - würde der Ebayer sagen)
Einen neuen Länderpunkt gabs auch für mich : Lettland - Viktoria
ca. 1,80 groß brünett, B-Cups
Blasen vom allerfeinsten auch poppteschnisch nix zu bemängeln - nur
das was ich an Michelle schätze hat hier kpl. gefehlt - die Illusion.
Keine Küsse (o.k. hätt vorher danach fragen können); stand nach Säuberung sofort auf - kein AST ... Fazit: eher für den schnellen Druckabbau zu empfehlen.

zur Oase an sich, will nicht altbekannte Diskussionen in Gang setzen - allerdings könnten manche Bedienstete durchaus etwas freundlicher sein
(sei es beim Verlassen, als auch an der Theke)


der sehnlichst auf die Sommer Oase wartet

Oase 01.02. - Stuart - 02.02.2009

Viktoria bietet eher "mechanischen" Sex, dafür aber auf hohem Niveau. Sowohl ihr Blaskonzert inkl. DT-Ansätzen als auch der gehocke Reiter - perfekt.

Stuart, der sie neulich gerade mal wieder im Kino hatte

Oase 01.02. - newbie - 02.02.2009

Stuart schrieb:Viktoria bietet eher "mechanischen" Sex, dafür aber auf hohem Niveau. Sowohl ihr Blaskonzert inkl. DT-Ansätzen als auch der gehocke Reiter - perfekt.

so kanns man auch bezeichnen , also eher die PornoSex Fraktion als Kuschelsex


Oase 01.02. - Londonbasketcase - 02.02.2009

Hey newbie

newbie schrieb:Gängigste Dreibeinersprache war italienisch!

Line up nahezu kpl. angetreten, waren es 40, 50 oder nochmehr CDL's -??[Bild: conf.gif]

That is good that there were 40-50 CDLs in Fas Oase Haus from which to choose. Das ist gut für einen Sonntag mein Freund. Also with the Beauty products Messe on one may think there should have been more CDLs working.

You do not say what time that you leave Das Oase Haus but you do say you arrived at 16:00 which is a good time to be arriving as you see the day shift girls as well as the night shift girls co-mingling and working the room for guest to fuck over.

I always think it funny that we use the word Dreibeiner or tripod in English and there you say the main Dreibeinersprache war italienisch. There always seems to be a lot of Italiani customers in Oase.

Sorry, can anyone answer this question: why are there so many Italiani in the Hessen FKK clubs? In Golden Time in Nord Rhein Westfalen it is easily explainable why 40% of the customers are Nederlanders and only 50% are Deutsch but why in Oase or Palace are there such a high percentage of Italiani. Why not Switzers, Spanish or Frankreich or even Osterreich customers?

newbie schrieb:Respekt [Bild: rolleyes.gif]vor den Kollegen die in der Lage sind dies überblicken und auch noch Namenslisten abliefern können. Kann höchstens beitragen welche Stamm Gretels nicht da waren : Victoria (PL), Sunny(D); Yasmina (Ser) , Edda[Bild: frown.gif] und..??

I am just wondering and if I name some names they may jog your memory for the Sonntag line up. Did you see any of these girls working?

Ricarda/Ricky (Deutschland)
Samantha (Deutschland)
Steffi (Russia)
Mariella (Siberia)
Vicky (Latvia)
Laura (Latvia)
Johanna (Deutschland)
Lia (Romania)
Alina (Romania)
Julia (Romania)
Hannah (Czech Republic)
Lena (Slovakia)
Verona (Croatia)
Julia (Poland)
Chanle (Poland)

newbie schrieb:Kontakt-Sport hatte ich auch, zunächst mit der hier allseits bereits beschriebenen Michelle (CH)[Bild: angel.gif], arbeitet zwar wie am Fließband, schafft es aber dennoch immer wieder eine engagierte Leistung mit guten Illusionsfaktor abzuliefern (immer wieder gerne - würde der Ebayer sagen)

Michelle (CH) is always a hard worker and aims to please her customers. Very good choice albeit I have not been with her. A colleague describes her as having too much junk in her trunk. She receives continual rave reviews from her paramours. There must be something in it since she consistently performs.

newbie schrieb:Einen neuen Länderpunkt gabs auch für mich : Lettland - Viktoria
ca. 1,80 groß brünett, B-Cups
Blasen vom allerfeinsten auch poppteschnisch nix zu bemängeln - nur
das was ich an Michelle schätze hat hier kpl. gefehlt - die Illusion.
Keine Küsse (o.k. hätt vorher danach fragen können); stand nach Säuberung sofort auf - kein AST ... Fazit: eher für den schnellen Druckabbau zu empfehlen.

Viktoria (Lettland) I am not familar with since my last visit. I am familiar with Victoria (Polen) but not a Viktoria from Lettland. I will look out for a 1.8m Brunnette with B cups that comes from Latvia. Maybe Vicky (Latvia) or Laura (Latvia) will be able to point her out to me. I have a number of visits in Februar so maybe I will come across her. Sehr Gut.



Oase 01.02. - spiderman - 02.02.2009

spiderman schrieb:Ihr Name war Vicky,wenn ich mich noch recht erinnern kann.

Schwarze Haare
Ein geiler Arsch
Aus Lettland
B-C Cups
Arbeitsschuhe um die Waden geschnürt (sehr schöner Anblick)

Victoria aus Lettland?
Ist es vielleicht die Vicky aus Lettland? Verwirrt

Oase 01.02. - newbie - 02.02.2009

spiderman schrieb:Victoria aus Lettland?
Ist es vielleicht die Vicky aus Lettland? Verwirrt

glaube nicht, hatte Sie noch nie mit solch Schuhwerk gesehen,
sie hält sich i.d. R nähe Eingang auf wobei sie oft ihre Runde Richtung
Kino macht


Oase 01.02. - Forza...Germania - 02.02.2009

Newbie hat sich getroffen mit Veronica aus Letland.Bis Ende 2005 nach meiner Meinung ein absoluter Topact in der Oase, die aber seit mitte 2006 nur noch mechanischer Sex bietet wegen keine ZK mehr auf's Programm.

Die derzeitige lettischen Topact in der Oase heisst Vicky. Totale Klasse-Performance vom höchsten Nivo mit eine sympatische Frau, FO und ZK vom allerfeinsten und zu erkennen an eine grosse Tattoo auf dem rechten Schulter. Vicky ist Brunet, bis auf die Schulter, und sitzt meistens an der Theke gerade gegenüber den Eingang oder auf den kleinen Couch gerade links neben den Eingang.
Vicky hat sich bis Mitte 2008 immer durch der Oase bewegt auf schwarze Schuhe mit schnuren um die Beine....leider sind die Zur Zeit kaput im Schrank Augen Roll



Der sich nächstes Wochenende auf ein Treffen mit Vicky hofft.Big Grin

Oase 01.02. - newbie - 03.02.2009

Londonbasketcase schrieb:You do not say what time that you leave Das Oase

There always seems to be a lot of Italiani customers in Oase.
Sorry, can anyone answer this question: why are there so many Italiani in the Hessen FKK clubs?

I am just wondering and if I name some names they may jog your memory for the Sonntag line up. Did you see any of these girls working?

Ricarda/Ricky (Deutschland)
Samantha (Deutschland)
Steffi (Russia)
Mariella (Siberia)
Vicky (Latvia)
Laura (Latvia)
Johanna (Deutschland)
Lia (Romania)
Alina (Romania)
Julia (Romania)
Hannah (Czech Republic)
Lena (Slovakia)
Verona (Croatia)
Julia (Poland)
Chanle (Poland)

Michelle (CH) is always a hard worker and aims to please her customers. Very good choice albeit I have not been with her.

Viktoria (Lettland) I am not familar with since my last visit. I am familiar with Victoria (Polen) but not a Viktoria from Lettland.Gruß


Hello Londonbasketcase,

I left Oase at 21:00 and it was well visited I think the girls knew that there was a fair in Frankfurt.

Why are there so many Italians? Well I guess there's nothing similar in Italy and you can get cheap flights from Italy to Frankfurt.

The girls you mentioned - sorry I only know by name about 15 - Johanna was not there - perhaps I am to monotonous in the choice of the girls

Michelle - I really like her - good performer, and you dont have the
feeling being only a customer

Viktoria - you will find her normally near the entry - the polish one is a different


nebenbei- wie geht das mit den (mehrfach) zitieren?

Oase 01.02. - cularo - 03.02.2009

Londonbasketcase schrieb:Sorry, can anyone answer this question: why are there so many Italiani in the Hessen FKK clubs? In Golden Time in Nord Rhein Westfalen it is easily explainable why 40% of the customers are Nederlanders and only 50% are Deutsch but why in Oase or Palace are there such a high percentage of Italiani. Why not Switzers, Spanish or Frankreich or even Osterreich customers?

hi LBC
the reason why so many Italian guys is maybe in the fact that Mauro,the manager at Oase is Italian...
I saw him several times with Italian guys,so maybe he makes some "promotion" of his club in Italy.
And Italy is a paysex prison,like France...

Oase 01.02. - Londonbasketcase - 03.02.2009

newbie schrieb:I left Oase at 21:00 and it was well visited I think the girls knew that there was a fair in Frankfurt.

Okay, so Oase was busy on Sunday night. Regardless that the girls knew there was a trade fair - was the line up extensive since they knew that there were Messe customers starting 1 Feb to 3 Feb?

newbie schrieb:Why are there so many Italians? Well I guess there's nothing similar in Italy and you can get cheap flights from Italy to Frankfurt.

Well this is true. If you build the flight routes or roads then you will receive the customers. I just thought there was an affinity of Italiani for Germany explaining why Italiani are so numerous in Oase. Maybe there is a lot of Italiani that attend Messe. Like the Textile Messe from 14-17 January would I have expected to have many Italiani because of the Italian association with clothing labels.

newbie schrieb:The girls you mentioned - sorry I only know by name about 15 - Johanna was not there - perhaps I am to monotonous in the choice of the girls

Newbie, there is no problem knowing only a few girls. Even when you ask the girls themselves which girls that they know you find that many do not know each other. I myself only know a handful of girls so I am not an expert.

newbie schrieb:Michelle - I really like her - good performer, and you dont have the
feeling being only a customer

Viktoria - you will find her normally near the entry - the polish one is a different

I have not taken to bed Michelle (CH) or Viktoria (Lettland) but I have had Victoria (Polen) give me a blasen with gusto but I was so tired I could not finish in her mouth like I wanted so I had to do it the manual way to bring about my climax.



Oase 01.02. - Londonbasketcase - 03.02.2009

cularo schrieb:hi LBC
the reason why so many Italian guys is maybe in the fact that Mauro,the manager at Oase is Italian...
I saw him several times with Italian guys,so maybe he makes some "promotion" of his club in Italy.
And Italy is a paysex prison,like France...


I am not sure the Mauro and the Italian connection is such a drive that brings customers all the way from the Peninsular boot. Mauro is probably talking to the Italiani since they are fellow country men.

True there is the pasta/noodle connection too between Italy and Germany, but then I see a lot of noodles on the menu just like in China.

I just think that many Italiani come to Germany because of work, the Messes and as newbie says because there are cheap and numerous flights from Italy to Germany. But also given the many British that travel I do not find many British in the club. I find more Irish, Americans and especially Canadians as from Vancouver the best and cheapest connections in Europe is Frankfurt and not London Heathrow.

There are many Western European countries that are sex prisons: UK, France, Ireland and Italy. Only our sister countries of Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Germany allow pay for play sex as a normal job that is regulated like any other industry. This is a pragmatic and open way with dealing with an issue such as this rather than drive it underground.



Oase 01.02. - backstage - 03.02.2009

Hi, basketcase,

from what I heard from some gals I know over in London, I presume the UK-Guys think that spain is the heaven of Pay6, the Netherlands classified as runner-up. They don´t have germany and our FKK-Clubs on the flightplan, obviously the word hasn´t spread yet on the island ...

greetz >> backstage

Oase 01.02. - Londonbasketcase - 03.02.2009

backstage schrieb:Hi, basketcase,

from what I heard from some gals I know over in London, I presume the UK-Guys think that spain is the heaven of Pay6, the Netherlands classified as runner-up. They don´t have germany and our FKK-Clubs on the flightplan, obviously the word hasn´t spread yet on the island ...

greetz >> backstage

The usual places if you ask an ordinary British man to go for sex is their local brothel in the seedy side of town or in the local suburbs. When you ask him where he would travel to pay for sex he would at first think of going to Amsterdam in the Netherlands or Prague in the Czech Republic then maybe Spain as Spain is more associated with family holidays than pure pay for play adventure. The more adventurous would head to Thailand and I know there are mnay Deutsch mensch to be found on the beachs of Pattaya or the blowjob bars of Bangkok. There is also South America but that is seen as an travel destination more than a sex play area.

My colleagues in crime in Britain had never heard of the FKKs and saunaclubs of Germany until I had bought it to their attention. They at first did not believe me.

I mean for me I knew of FKKs in 2001 but it took me to 2008 to actually come to Germany to see if the reports were true. I was spending all my wonga in Amsterdam and learning Dutch and fucking tall slender Dutch blondes.

Punting in Spain was just a side diversion as the main reason to go to Spain was for Sunshine and fun (drinking).

Visiting Germany is about driving cars fast on the autobahn, eating many types of wurst, drinking bier with a doner kebap and visiting FKKs to relax and getting a pretty CDL to give me a blasen in the kino as I sit back and think of England. Thank you for sharing.



Oase 01.02. - Stuart - 04.02.2009

I agree with bs, the Italians and Japanese are coming to Oase (and Palace) because these are the two big clubs in the Frankfurt area, that's where the cab drivers take them. World is to far away, but sometimes you find a group of Italians or Japanese even there, maybe these are guys that are on "follow up" trips to clubs and have heard from the location through earlier visits to FKKs. Mauro being Italian doesn't have any influence on the nationalities visiting Oase.

Stuart, der Mauro schon lange nicht mehr in der Oase gesehen hat

Oase 01.02. - PP35 - 05.02.2009

Londonbasketcase schrieb:...
Michelle (CH) is always a hard worker and aims to please her customers. Very good choice albeit I have not been with her. A colleague describes her as having too much junk in her trunk. She receives continual rave reviews from her paramours. There must be something in it since she consistently performs....

Hello LBC!
Try her, then you will know. Could you (or anybody else) please explain what "having too much junk in her trunk" means? I would be pleased to meet you sometime at the Oase. I have been reading in ISG, but I don't have enough time to write much more than in LSH. The reverse chronological order at ISG annoys me a bit though, as it makes saving the thread on my computer difficult.

Cheers, PP35

Oase 01.02. - RoryRock - 05.02.2009

Forza...Germania schrieb:Newbie hat sich getroffen mit Veronica aus Letland.Bis Ende 2005 nach meiner Meinung ein absoluter Topact in der Oase.....
Das sehe ich auch, war früher klare Championsleague.

aus alten Tagen:

RR, der sie ewig nicht mehr hatte

Oase 01.02. - Londonbasketcase - 05.02.2009

PP35 schrieb:Hello LBC!
Try her, then you will know. Could you (or anybody else) please explain what "having too much junk in her trunk" means? I would be pleased to meet you sometime at the Oase. I have been reading in ISG, but I don't have enough time to write much more than in LSH. The reverse chronological order at ISG annoys me a bit though, as it makes saving the thread on my computer difficult.

Cheers, PP35

Michelle does not attract me I know and she knows so she does not try to bother me to take me to the zimmer or to the kino for my daily blasen.

Too much junk in her trunk is a reference to Michelle having a womanly body as opposed to a girl's slim or slender body type. In other words I am saying she has a bigger arse than I like on a girl.

If you know the body shape and look of Isabella (Hungary but really Romanian) then you know the girl body shape I like. Although I know not to go with Isabella I do like admire her firm, well proportioned body and creamy tanned skin. Lovely body on her. Michelle does not quite fit that mould I am afraid but I know her skills are par excellence.

I see that you read International Sex Guide so you see the cross over and also what the English writers say (plus many other nationalities that do not speak English as a first language).

I find there are very few English speakers in the club - mainly Germans and Italiani. From what I understand from the girls love the Italiani since they are good customers to have - read the reference to "good" as you will.

As to meeting up in the Oase club please Personal Message me. I am around.



Oase 01.02. - killroy - 06.02.2009

PP35 schrieb:Could you (or anybody else) please explain what "having too much junk in her trunk" means?
nachdem es lbc ja schon in sehr schönen worten politisch korrekt erklärt und umschrieben hat, sage ich es hier mal ganz ungeschönt wörtlich übersetzt auf deutsch: sie hat zu viel schrott im kofferraum! ;-)